The Adventure

Live Your Story, Explore Your World

In the Footsteps of Greatness

I have been spending the weekend at the Grove Park Inn, where B.J. Palmer, the developer of our great chiropractic profession would stay and work on philosophy. His picture is hanging up in the hall next to Presidents, where they honor him as “the father of chiropractic,” (though erroneous, I was still very excited to see him up on the wall).

It is easy to see why he chose this place, it drips of inspiration with an amazing view of the Smoky Mountains. You can really shut out the world here and be still, an art that is all but lost in my generation. Being here in his temporal footsteps is not only motivating, but challenging. Can I contribute a fraction of what he did? Will I leave chiropractic better than when I entered it? My heart declares a resounding yes, and I know it can be done as long as I stay true to the purpose and vision for the second century of chiropractic.   (more…)

One body, One life

At each moment, you are either moving towards health & wellness and away from sickness and disease, or you are moving towards sickness & disease and away from health and wellness.  If your determination is that you are moving the wrong way, then let this be a wake up call for you.   (more…)