The Adventure

Live Your Story, Explore Your World

The City is Contagious

Note: Mixing it up today with a poetry post. It’s darker in tone, but speaks to things like vision and responsibility, and what happens when they are absent. 

The City is Contagious

Empty streets, crowded alleys
not a soul to be seen
unless you know where to look.
Change is in the air
traveling as hushed whispers
and uncertain glances.
An invisible feeling is
ever-present in the hearts and minds
of those who call this home
casting shadows darker than before.
Sinister plans disguised as hope
and catalyzed with fear
abscond with our ambition and
weaken our resolve
as we feign ignorance
to avoid responsibility
for the decay and depravity
that has crept within our walls.
A black mold plaguing our foundation
that is hiding in plain sight.
Without vision cities perish
consumed by it’s residents
and reduced to ashes.
Unable to sustain life
it is abandoned and forgotten,
the ruins standing as a testament
to our pestilence.

To Live a Long and Happy Life We Must Change

I just read a research paper from Medical Examiners in Florida stating that prescription medication (legal drugs) kills 300% more Americans than Illegal drugs annually. Why do we as a nation continue to put toxins in our body? It is POISON!

What would happen if you gave medication to a healthy person? Would they not become sick? Why then would you give it to a sick person? We say we have a “health care crisis” but continue to use the same medical interventions…that is insanity defined (doing the same thing and expecting a different result). We consume 90% of the worlds pharmaceuticals and are near the bottom in overall health, yet are still slow to seek change. Real change would be decreasing our reliance on medicine and taking responsibility for our own health…NOT getting on the latest and greatest new superpill.   (more…)