The Adventure

Live Your Story, Explore Your World

Expressing Life to the Fullest

Today I was thinking of how many of my friends–offline and online–don’t understand chiropractic, let alone my passion for it.  I get it, as there are many mixed messages out there, including “chiropractors” who try to practice in a medical model treating back pain (we call these people medipractors).  I can see from their perspective it is hard to know what to believe.

Let me share with you what I believe.  


Quit Pushing Reset

You know what I’m talking about.

You’ve been hard at work on a project, a hobby, or even a dream.  You’ve reached that “point of no return” moment and you feel unsure, anxious.

Stop Pushing Reset

There is a reason that Reset and Power are different buttons.

Is it good enough? 

Will people like it?

Will people hate it?

Will I be criticized? 

Is it worth it?

And in that moment you panic and hit Reset.  You decide to move on, to do something better, to start over in hopes of being perfect.


Balance and Tension

1. If your spine stays out of balance, it can put tension on your nervous system
2. If you live in a state of chronic tension, then you throw your entire nervous system out of balance.

In the realm of true Health care (not symptom treating Sick care) we are responsible for maintaining and increasing our health to prevent our body from breaking down.   (more…)