The Adventure

Live Your Story, Explore Your World

Zelda-Ween {image}

Link Pumpkins

Is It Paleo? Now You’ll Know.

Have you thought about changing your eating lifestyle to the Paleo or Primal diet, only to be overwhelmed by learning all the “rules”?  Or if you have been eating Paleo, have you come across something new and exotic in the grocery store only to wonder Is It Paleo?   Maybe you’re out on the hunt and wondering if camel meat is legal.  Enter Is It Paleo. 


Eastbound Sailing Review

When I first put down Eastbound Sailing, I found myself reflecting on pivotal moments in my own life. During the emotional journey that unfolds, readers will undoubtedly identify with Aiden’s search for wholeness, making Eastbound Sailing timeless and relatable.

Letting Go

This first novel by Todd Foley is a redemptive tale of sorrow, remorse, discovery, and joy viewed through its characters different philosophical constructs. At the same time it is a coming of age story for a late-bloomer who is slowly learning to let go of his egocentricity and control, finding out how to simply “be.”
