The Adventure

Live Your Story, Explore Your World


Everyone seems to be searching for an “authentic” experience, in fact, Generation Y is all about authenticity.  A chance for something to happen to them, for a story to be made, for a pivotal moment that shifts their paradigm.  We as humans are happiest when we are living congruently and consciously, though this is an uncommon state.  There is a great disconnect happening within people that is keeping them from having an enjoyable, authentic, passionate life.  This disconnect is caused by societal pressures, stress, and subluxations that overwhelm your body into a state of defensive adaptation where it survives on a sub-conscious level.

Living consciously is bringing awareness to everything in your life (actions, values, purposes, goals) and being fully present in each moment.  It requires you to create a purpose by intelligent design, and to pursue it regardless of pleasure or pain.  This is where the authentic experience occurs.


Why Children Get Adjusted in our Office

Why We Adjust Kids

Being born is hard work, for momma and for baby.  Add that in to all the slips, falls, and bumps that are experienced in infancy and toddlerhood and subluxations (i.e. nervous system interferences) are likely to result.  Because of this we have non-invasive, objective technology to check the integrity of your child’s nervous system.  Since the nervous system controls all functions of your body, it is imperative that it function optimally to make sure that your child grows and develops to their full potential.  Check out this video for more info on kids and chiropractic.

In Health,

Dr. Cole

Your Story, Your Health

Today I would like to share a story with you from an unknown author.  It is applicable in many ways, but as you are reading it, think of yourself as the carpenter of your body.  You hold within you the power to lead a long, healthy life if you use the right materials and the right effort.  God supplied the blueprint, and daily we provide the materials to rebuild.  Build wisely, and live abundantly.

The Carpenter’s Story

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.   (more…)

Healthy Eating is now being called a mental disorder!

I’m speechless…

Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

This is how sick and twisted things are becoming.  It’s called “Healthy Eating Disorder,” and it states that people are nervous about proper eating and making wise choices, and in eating well, they become malnourished.  They would rather you fill yourself up with chemicals, put no thought into what you are doing, and continue buying all the crap that is out there for you to consume.  (more…)

Thought of the Week

LiveWell @ TCW

This Weeks Thought Blackboard

How to LiveWell and Prevent Disease

Thoughts – Positive Mental Attitude

Chiropractic – Clear nerve communication (turn the power on)

Choices – Exercise, Sleep, Hydration, Posture, Eating, Supplements

Heartburn drugs under fire

Common heartburn drugs are under fire, as a series of studies from the Archives of Internal Medicine released on Monday demonstrating serious side effects such as increase in fractures and bacterial infections.

Collectively, these drugs are called proton pump inhibitors, but they are better known as Nexium (AstraZeneca), Prilosec (AstraZeneca), Protonix (Pfizer), and Prevacid (Takeda).  These medicines have a total U.S. sales of 13.9 billion annually, as an estimated 113 million prescriptions are filled each year.  Dr. Michael Katz, director for the San Francisco Department of Public Health, states that 60 to 70 percent of people taking proton pump inhibitors do not need to be on them.  This problem is augmented by people being unaware of the risk until now.   (more…)

Motion is Life

God made our bodies as a phenomenally complex grouping of nerves, muscles, joints, and bones that intimately work together to achieve Motion. This is why we say that Motion is Life, and is the key to maintaining a high quality of life and feeling youthful.   (more…)

Purpose, Vision, and Mission of Our Office

To be happy, healthy, and vibrant. To be an example to others who ALL deserve the same.

To engage, educate, and encourage all people in our community about living subluxation free through a chiropractic wellness lifestyle.  To help them have the body and health they deserve.

To have our community be the healthiest and happiest in America, by using chiropractic wellness care beginning at birth.  Encouraging and practicing self-responsibility to stay active, properly nourished, and drug free.

In Health,


In the Footsteps of Greatness

I have been spending the weekend at the Grove Park Inn, where B.J. Palmer, the developer of our great chiropractic profession would stay and work on philosophy. His picture is hanging up in the hall next to Presidents, where they honor him as “the father of chiropractic,” (though erroneous, I was still very excited to see him up on the wall).

It is easy to see why he chose this place, it drips of inspiration with an amazing view of the Smoky Mountains. You can really shut out the world here and be still, an art that is all but lost in my generation. Being here in his temporal footsteps is not only motivating, but challenging. Can I contribute a fraction of what he did? Will I leave chiropractic better than when I entered it? My heart declares a resounding yes, and I know it can be done as long as I stay true to the purpose and vision for the second century of chiropractic.   (more…)

Do You want a Healer or a Dealer?

Health care is such a burning topic right now, and with all the press and dinner conversations going on about it, what is missing from the dialogue is health.  If you’ve been following my blog for any time at all, you have heard me talk about Health Care & Sick Care.  What we have in America is Sick Care, in fact you can see it all around you…we have more medicine, more surgery, more hospitals and we are sicker than ever before!  Our current system does not address health, it focus on ameliorating symptoms so we can continue our hectic lifestyles uninterrupted….then we are surprised when our health fails!  Health is proactive, I believe health to be the byproduct of making positive lifestyle decisions repeatedly over time.   (more…)