The Adventure

Live Your Story, Explore Your World

Little Man

Child growing up

I can see you changing, little man.
Each day you are full of new wonders and discoveries.
A smile,
A laugh,
A look of recognition.
These milestones both break and warm my heart
As I realize there are so many moments now past.
They are recorded in a baby blue book full of your pictures
In an attempt to preserve their freshness.

I have to remember to keep looking forward.
There’s so much to see, so much to miss if
I’m not here, fully, with you in the present.

You enchant me, little man.
Staring into your bright blue eyes
Calms my impatient soul.
Hours pass in mere minutes.
You’ve taught me to be still, and to revel in it.
For time is much more fleeting than I ever knew,
Now documented in inches and pounds.
They seem to pass faster than days.

In this stillness, I try to will time to stop
So we can stay together.
I know it is futile; I’m simply not ready to let go.



About Cole Bradburn

I'm a writer and doctor in lifelong pursuit of health, happiness, and adventure. I currently live in Raleigh, NC with the love of my life and our amazing boys.

10 Replies

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I didn’t treasure these moments as I should have in my boys initial moments. Enjoy it!

    1. I am trying to, thanks for the encouragment!

  2. I absolutely love this. What an amazing journey with this awesome little guy.

  3. “documenting in inches and pounds” – great line and so true.

    1. Thanks Jason. How is the year winding down for you?

      1. It is a busy time right now. I’m just getting over 3 days of flu quarantine, and the essay grading began yesterday. I’ve got big plans for writing over the break though, so be on the lookout! I know you’re excited for your son’s first Christmas. And take it from me, they get better each year – well, maybe not when they’re 2-3 and just want to pull the tree down and unwrap the decorations that just look like presents.

        1. I will be on the lookout! It appeared that you (like myself) took some time away from the blog this fall. I can’t wait Cillian’s first Christmas, we are traveling back to IL so he can meet the extended family. Praying for good weather, and as little stress as possible.

          Merry Christmas to you and your family! I’ll keep tabs on your blog over the break.

          1. Yeah, I didn’t do as much as I wanted with the blog. Both boys were in soccer, my oldest is in karate, and I’ve had plenty of grading. What part of IL will you be in? We’re going to Danville later in the month.

          2. My hometown is Pittsfield. It is in between Quincy and Springfield, right off of I-72.

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