The Adventure

Live Your Story, Explore Your World


Cole Bradburn

My name is Cole Bradburn.  I’m a leader, a writer, and a doctor of chiropractic.  My mission is to help people live well through asking better questions, challenging accepted norms and empowering self-responsibility for their lives.  I have many burning thoughts that I will be exploring here, like:

  • What does a life of health, happiness, and adventure look like?
  • How do you discover your purpose? Once you do, now what?
  • If we were born to be healthy, what gets in the way?
  • What does intentional living look like in practice?
  • How can you make a life out of pursuing your passions?

I’ll share my experiences, stories, and research in an attempt to provide better answers.  If you are dedicated to pursuing life, health, happiness and adventure then this is the place for you. I typically post twice a week.  To make sure you don’t miss out, subscribe via RSS or email.

A little more about me:

I have been writing since I was in eighth grade.  I do not profess to be an expert, or even good, but I am getting better.  For a long time I wrote for myself until I discovered that if art is to be created, it is to be shared.  This is my refining process of sharing my art, in doing so I hope to inspire you, to add value to the world and to continue improving.

For the last decade I have spent my life studying and observing health.  I began at the University of Missouri (Mizzou), and then did my graduate work at Logan Chiropractic College where I received my Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 2006.  Since then I have been helping people live better lives in private practice.  I have learned to look at health as the normal state of a person versus seeing them as sick and diseased.  This was a monumental revelation, because it made me ask different questions, like “What is keeping me from experiencing health?” instead of “What do I have, what is my diagnosis?”  These questions lead to empowering answers!  Another person does not fix you when you’re broken (taking all power and responsibility away from you), you take action for creating your health and you will never have to live with disease.

When I am not writing or fine-tuning human nervous systems, I am spending time with my great love Casey and our boys, Cillian & Collin.

My Purpose

To be happy, healthy and vibrant.  To live a life full of love and adventure. To be an example for others who deserve the same.  Thanks for letting me share with you.

My favorite blog posts

Here’s a few of the most popular articles on The Adventure.  If you are new, it helps to get started by reading these first:



 Connect with Me

3 Replies

  1. True Tom

    Q. I get most of my protein from pasteurized milk – 8gms in 8ozs, so I go for “30gm within 30 mins of getting up” – a Dr.Oz & etc thing .
    It’s less expensive than a 4oz piece of chicken, etc.
    Is that ok, or do u have a better choice?

    I’m trying to cut white sugar and white flour, but it’s cheap and easy…I know, I know, I’m trying tho..

    1. Hey Tom,

      I’d go another route, and also one that has a higher protein to sugar ratio (the lactose in the milk).
      Eggs, chicken, beans, almonds, beef. I know those are pricier than milk, but also can carry much greater health benefits.

      If you don’t want to do that, I would go the route of making a smoothie (spinach or kale based with a couple servings of fruit) and adding protein to it.

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